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Put 121connects to work.
Invest your time where it's needed

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Designed for marketers

121connects offers a blend of tech powered but human enabled solutions for B2B tech & business marketers. Our custom solutions work for both, virtual and in-person engagements, allowing you to connect with our curated member base and deliver real outcomes.

Solutions to engage our audience.

Select members to invite

Concierge support to setup and confirm attendance 

Dashboard to monitor progress at every step



One-to-one meetings are a signature service that facilitates 45-minute appointments with our members. It provides an opportunity to have in-depth discussions around specific challenges and solutions. 

121meetings could be in-person or conducted virtually, based on preferences. Our team coordinates to set a mutually convenient date and time for the meeting and makes suitable introductions. 

Executive Boards

Executive boards are moderated roundtable discussions for 75 minutes with a group of members on a topic of significance. It allows peers to share views and discuss with subject matter experts. 

Executive boards are ideally held as 10-member, evening cocktail events at a physical location or could be conducted virtually as a 6-member group discussion.

Execcutive Boards
Bespoke Events

Be-spoke Events

We facilitate engagements tailored to meet different objectives. From fine-dining, experiential networking dinners to day events with demos to showcase partnership solutions to a large group of IT managers, our team works to accomplish your goals.

Our team works to conceptualize the event while our tech platform provides complete transparency and control of the audience at every step.

Influence Marketing

Engage our members as thought leaders in panel discussions or case study presentations to add insights and influence at your events or to create powerful video testimony.

Join forces with 121connects members who bring credible, real-world examples and perspectives to the discussion.

Influence Marketing
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Custom Webinars

Our custom webinars are live events that make it a unique opportunity for members. They provide a great way to bring expert views to a larger, interested audience. 

Our 1-hour format provides for an expert session, a real-world case study and a Q&A session with the audience live. Live audience polls provide instant feedback and actionable outcomes for the program.

Custom Publishing

121connects members are early adopters and trend-setters, making their implementations great case studies for others to emulate. 

Our team works to create high-impact showcases such as coffee table books with the objective to deliver great content with high-impact to enhance the prestige of all stakeholders.

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Big5 CIO Priorities

The Big5 event series are large residential conferences with 100+ attendees from across India. Every program offers multiple marketing opportunities to engage the delegates from keynotes to demo zones.

The Big5 series brings focus on 5 priorities and each theme is anchored by a global analyst from our partner Ecosystm (Singapore).


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